16 Posts per platform in April 2024
Metric | April 1 | April 30 | +% |
Followers – IG | 28,738 | 28,750 | +.04% |
Followers – FB | 202,713 | 202,602 | -.05% |
Interactions – IG (this month vs. last month) | 1,022 | 1,161 | +13.6% |
Interactions – FB (this month vs. last month) | 2,813 | 4,009 | +42.52% |
Impressions – IG (this month vs. last month) | 20,231 | 20,399 | +.83% |
Impressions – FB (this month vs. last month) | 69,033 | 82,233 | +19.17% |
Big Thirst Sales (this month vs. same month last year) | 1,655 | 4,792 | +189% |
Website Visitors last Month | 21,298 | 19,174 | -9.97% |

Platform: Facebook
Views: 10,011
Interactions: 671
Reach: 9,358
Highlights: “Definitely way way better than the Crown Royal. Bird Dog makes the best Blackberry Whiskey.”
BD Peach and Blackberry is better than Crown in my opinion. It’s higher proof, about $10.00 cheaper and better taste. Which makes it a no brainer. Would love to see Vanilla and Watermelon in the lineup.”
“Best going. I don’t even think there’s an argument.”

Platform: Facebook
Views: 7,156
Interactions: 302
Reach: 7,156
Highlights: “
“Mix it with lemonade and you have summer in a cup.”
“And it’s way, way, way, better than Crowns blackberry.”

Platform: Instagram
Views: 1,539
Interactions: 136
Reach: 1,316

Platform: Facebook
Views: 7,515
Interactions: 391
Reach: 7,348
Highlights: “
“Peach is my favorite, blackberry is a close second!”
“My favorite group to hang out with.”
“Love both! Strawberry is close behind, nothing on earth beats a bird dog strawberry with Dr Pepper strawberries & cream”

Platform: Facebook
Views: 7,515
Interactions: 391
Reach: 7,348
Highlights: “
“I love the peanut butter but my all time fave is the first one I ever tried.. blackberry!”
“BD Chocolate with Coke Zero and chocolate mint leaves”
“Past Strawberry , Present Strawberry, Future Watermlon?”

Platform: Instagram
Views: 2,439
Interactions: 170
Reach: 2,344
Highlights: “Now this is adorable 😍”
“Happy National Purebred Dog Day! Thought you should know…..”

Platform: Facebook
Views: 6,015
Interactions: 289
Reach: 10,520
Highlights: “I purchased the Peanut Butter, Blackberry, and Black Cherry. Really loving this brand! It’s my favorite by far!!!”
“Enjoying Bird Dog Whiskey Blackberry with Publix Blackberry Lemonade as we speak.”
“Blackberry is my favorite…”

Platform: Instagram
Media Type: Reel
Views: 5,297
Interactions: 205
Reach: 3,264
Highlights: “😍😍😍”

Platform: Facebook
Views : 7,163
Interactions: 260
Reach: 6,913
Highlights: “Holy moly, that sounds unbelievably good”
“Can’t wait to try this flavor!!!”
“This flavor goes great with hot chocolate”

Platform: Facebook
Views: 2,400
Interactions: 85
Reach: 2,252
Highlights: “All of their flavors are great, but I Love their peanut butter”
“Next to Y’alls BlackBerry it’s one of my favorites .”
“I just found m new drink. Bird Dog Whiskey is way better than that other peach. Definitely switching brands.”

Platform: Instagram
Views: 6,877
Interactions: 309
Reach: 6,024

Platform: Instagram – Reel
Views: 7,380
Interactions: 604
Reach: 5,741
Highlights: “The OG”
“Perfect Pour”

Platform: Instagram
Views: 4,675
Interactions: 263
Reach: 3,996
Highlights: “I’m shocked Gingerbread didn’t earn at least a silver but I myself give it 🥇GOLD🥇”
“That’s a lot of hardware! Ought to do a ‘gold medal’ release with limited glassware or something. Would be rad!”
“Well deserved! It’s the only whiskey we drink in our bird dog house”

Platform: Instagram
Views: 2,400
Interactions: 85
Reach: 2,252

Platform: Facebook
Views: 6,309
Interactions: 366
Reach: 5,869
Highlights: “The best of all!!!”
“Blackberry is the OG of their whiskies!”
“My favorite ! I keep it in the freezer and do shots while I’m drinking beer on the weekends”

Platform: Facebook
Views: 13,188
Interactions: 722
Reach: 13,141
Highlights: “It’s my all time favorite now beating out the chocolate”
“It’s your best yet!”
“Pour some of this into a chocolate beer of some sort and you really have something. I poured it into a Hershey’s chocolate porter by yingling and it was phenomenal”

Platform: Facebook
Views: 9,435
Interactions: 458
Reach: 9,348
Highlights: “My Favorite!!!!”